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The “roots” of this ministry of helping men and becoming a certified life coach came from a couple of places in the Bible:
Psalm 1:1-3
How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked with sinners or sit in the company of mockers! Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night. He is like a tree planted beside the flow streams that bears its fruit in its season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
Jeremiah 17:7-8
The person who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed is the Lord, is blessed. He will be like a tree planted by water: it sends its roots out toward a stream, it doesn't fear when heat comes, and its foliage remains green. it will not worry in a year of drought or cease producing fruit.
See also Psalm 92:12-14 for a similar picture.
I absolutely love the image of a tree for a man. No, not exactly like the Ents in The Lord of Rings, but not quite unlike them either.
There are so many qualities of a healthy tree that cross over to a healthy man. In fact, I made a little list of those similarities here if you’d like to check them out.
You’ll notice on some pages of my website the background of a forest. So many small trees growing among others. That particular photo isn’t just a random forest I found in an Unsplash image search.
That scene is actually Yellowstone National Park. Those smaller trees are the new growth trees after a devastating forest fire in 1988 that burned a third of the park! I still remember as a teenager seeing the images on TV of all the smoke and scorched landscape. It was hard to watch on TV, let alone I can imagine how sad and scary it must have been to see in real life.
Exactly 30 years later, in the summer of 2008, I got to see the park for myself. One image you can’t unsee when you’re there is the hillsides — entire sides of mountains covered in what look like toothpicks from a distance. Those are the trunks of dead trees from that awful conflagration.
What is just as amazing to me is to see the thousands upon thousands of what literally looks like a brand new forest growing out of the ground all around those dead tree trunks. As the photo depicts, the green is brighter and deeper than what was there previously.
I am inspired by and find hope in the power of restoration. Each tree is part of the larger ecosystem that is the forest among those hills and mountains of Yellowstone.
If fire is what destroyed that forest and those trees, pornography is what can burn to the ground a man’s soul, his marriage, his family and so many other good things God intends for him, including his very life if Satan pushes him far enough.
I want to put a dent in that and it’s why my coaching and this ministry exist. I have been called to finish my life’s work helping men find restoration.
Men, as the hero of your story — as you sense Jesus needs to be your Hero to redeem your story — I am here to be your guide to find the path he has for you.
My story includes gaining freedom from pornography through a deepening relationship with God, creative accountability, finding the right learning mechanism, and most importantly, choosing freedom from the heart.
I am married, now for more than 26 years to my beautiful bride and have two amazing adult kids — a daughter and a son. I had the privilege of helping my teenage son go through the same learning I did on our paths to freedom.
This teaching, based on my friend and brother Kirk’s testimony and learning, helped me see the value of helping other men. It’s called Free Indeed and you can learn more about it by listening to great content from the podcast he and I published over a couple of years.
That podcast along with my drive to be the best resource for men I can come from learning the power of freedom and to quit consuming pornography.
Men need other men to stop this scourge from ruining their lives.
In case you are wondering, yes, I am a Christian. I believe the best source of help is my ability to choose Jesus as the ultimate Power to overcome.
My coaching hasn’t always led with my faith. In fact, only recently did I decide to pivot and make sure people know who is my help and wisdom.
Any good you gain from this website and any help I can offer you from my story is because Jesus has reached me directly and through people like Kirk to change me.
Christ is the first and last of my life and I am doing well if I point men to him with a personalized plan overcome.
The foundation I live from is the unconditional love of the Father within the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I believe the exact same thing for you. Even if you can’t see it right now there is a plan God has for you. If you don’t believe me read Psalm 139:13-18.
Let's work together and discover this plan for your life!